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Artist Push Music Blog
Artist Push Music Blog
The music landscape has undergone some huge changes in the past decade or two. That trend shows no sign of letting up; in fact, it appears as though things are changing exponentially over time.
Artist Push offers a music blog that is intended to keep you in the loop in terms of what the most up-to-date strategies are for getting your music out to the world, building an audience, and so much more.
Whether you are an independent artist, a manager of musicians, a music label, whatever the case may be, you are going to want to keep an eye on this blog. Artist Push examines trends in music streaming in real-time and offers effective strategies that allow you to capitalize on what is new in the music industry.
With the rapidly changing landscape of the music industry, it can be hard to determine what the best way to promote music is. The truth is, the answer to that question is something that can change over time just as rapidly. That’s what helps reinforce the practicality of a blog. You’ll be able to see articles reflecting the current environment.
One of the most useful assets available is the comprehensive hip-hop blog. This is going to give you the type of information you want to know if your goal is to build a hip-hop audience.
How To Get Your Music Heard
The blog is mainly geared toward people who are trying to build their enterprise through their music or other audio content.
At this point, most people are aware that there has never been a better time to build something for yourself. There is unprecedented access to platforms that, in the past, would’ve required you to jump through hoops to find yourself there.
Back in the day, if you wanted people to hear your music you had to get it on the radio. How would you do that? Well, you would need a manager, the manager would need to have relationships…it was a whole ordeal.
Now, once you have made your music and you want to put it on a platform like Spotify or Apple Music, you can do that all by yourself.
All good, right? Not exactly…
Music Self-Promotion
The bad news is obvious.
What happens when everyone can put their music on these streaming platforms? The market gets flooded!
Look, a flooded market is probably better than a market where all sorts of forces keep you out. But it’s still an issue. You might be wondering how to get your music heard, or how to utilize music self-promotion.
How To Push Your Music
The Artist Push blog is here to help you find a way to get your music heard on the radar of average listeners on these platforms and assist you to take self promotion effectively.
It might not be easy to get your music in the right hands (well, ears), but utilizing some of the advice in these blog posts along with some of the services offered by Artist Push will make it a little bit easier to stand out.
Drake, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, DJ Khaled, J. Cole: How To Become A Hip-Hop Star
Yeah, I guess Drake didn’t need blogs. But do you think Drake built everything he has on his own?
Drake is similar to a lot of these big-time names that you see in the hip-hop and rap industry today. Especially people from the era when the old-school music industry turned into the new-school music industry. I’m talking about people like DJ Khaled, J. Cole, Lil Wayne, etc from new rap music.
What a lot of these guys have in common, besides their talent, is that they got help on their rise to the top of the hip-hop world. People forget so quickly that Lil Wayne was the one who put Drake on the map. Jay-Z was the one who found J. Cole and help him on his rise. It might've been the fact that his rap name also started with ‘Jay' but who knows.
The bottom line, people have always been getting helped up to these positions they are at. Only it used to strictly be people within the business, and this is when breaking into the industry was still no easy task. Now, the breaking in is the easy part. It’s receiving that boost to get to the next level, that’s the hard part.
You should think about resources like this as a form of mentorship. Most people, in their creative process, don’t think so far past the creation part. It’s like, “Okay, I made my album! Now what?” Then you start to realize that self-promotion is almost more work than the creation itself.
Best Way To Promote Your Music
It might seem unfair. Especially if you have a really good product. Maybe you have your hands on one of the best albums ever, whether it’s hip hop or whatever genre. You got it produced by a professional so the sound quality is great, you spend months devoting yourself to crafting the perfect lyrics, you recorded each song 20 times to get the perfect take.
Well, now all of that is done and what you are left with is an amazing product. The problem is, no one can hear it! You post it on all the streaming services, check back in a week, and it has 15 listens.
That kind of thing can be demoralizing. It can make you start feeling hopeless and as though nothing you do will change it. But why wallow around in sadness when you can take action to get your music heard by more people?
Listen, the fact of the matter is that, while it may seem unfair, everyone is dealing with that same issue. Everyone who is not yet established, at least. So, use the tools at your disposal. What are these tools? Here’s a good place to start! It can be a double-edged sword when you realize that you have the power in your own hands to create exactly what you want out of your music career.
On the one hand, it is an awesome discovery. It will make you thankful that the Internet has created so many opportunities for individual success. On the other hand, it can be overwhelming when you view the journey of building up your audience all on your own. It is a monumental task and it carries within it what a lot of artists will be their path to fulfillment.
It’s a serious endeavor.
But what you need to realize is that, as these doors opened for individual content creators, doors also opened for a brand-new service industry. An industry of professionals who are invested in allowing artists to reach the people they need to reach.
Artist Push is in that industry; a leader in the industry at that. It is a young and growing industry and it requires companies to stay on their toes and move quickly as the winds change.
How To Boost Your Audience
One of the big issues for service companies like ours is the competition. And not why you think…
Competition in the form of other solid companies offering great services, that's a good kind of competition! That kind of competition is welcomed, it makes everyone perform better. If an artist hears someone else's amazing song, they might be compelled to write their song that's even better.
However, the competition becomes a huge problem when it delegitimizes the entire industry.
Some people read this and feel that these types of services are all a scam. The reason is that there are companies out there who are scams. It's true of any industry. Some banks have turned out to be scams. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stop keeping your money in banks altogether.
You should keep in mind that it’s a two-way street. Legitimacy helps any company in this industry. If a company says they are going to deliver a product, and then they deliver it, that company is probably going to get more followers. It’s similar to what you, as an artist, are embarking upon.
You are putting out music or other audio content. If the music is good and people like it, they will seek out more. They will tell their friends about it.
Well, if some promotional company says they are going to help you build an audience, and they deliver on that promise, people will use the service again. They’ll also probably tell other artists about the service as well.
All of this is to say that the logic that a service such as this one must be a scam is not true; even if it is true for certain companies.
Promo Services: Real Users, Safe Methods, Premium Spotify Playlists
All of the services can be explored on the website and specific services are written about comprehensively in the blog posts.
What you end up getting is not listens from bots. Not one-second streams of your music. These are real people and high-retention plays. High-retention is just a fancy way of saying that the songs are played from intro to outro.
The streams are being listened to by actual people all over the world. The listeners are all real users.
You’ll be able to get your songs on some of the most sought-after playlists on Spotify. Playlists that are created by curators, not automated.
The bottom line is this: attention is what you need. In the old landscape of music production and promotion, you needed a label and a manager. That was the only way anything was going to happen.
But what were they going to get you? Why have them at all?
Why for the attention of course.
Those were the resources you were going to need to tap into to get your music to many different people. How else would you possibly build a fan base? How could you expect to sell out an arena if your song wasn't even on the radio?
Music Promotion Trends
Even though everything now is dramatically different from how it was a few decades ago, the aim is still the same: attention.
Only it is different now in the sense that managers and labels aren't the only things that will get your attention. You might be able to get more attention without them anyway. Plus, they could get in the way of the creative process which is no good for any artist.
What determines your exposure, and therefore the attention you receive, are algorithms for the most part.
These algorithms may seem insanely complex, mostly because they are, but some trends are known and effective. Take, for example, high-retention plays. If a user listens to the entire song, it is weighted more heavily in the algorithm. Premium plays would be another example; those are weighed more heavily as well. There are so many little trends that we’ve discovered and it’s through this type of research that you will be able to gain access to new fans!
This is the new music landscape. It’s even more than that. It’s the new entertainment landscape. And even though you can do it all on your own now, you don’t need to be completely solo. There are resources, such as ours, at your disposal. Building an audience is no easy task, we hope to help you achieve that via our blog and services.