Bandcamp Promotion
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Bandcamp Is The Ultimate Platform To Promote Your Music
Use Bandcamp promotion to help propel your music to your ever-growing fanbase. This is the best DIY style platform for artists and musicians, but you don’t need to do it ALL yourself. Our Bandcamp promotion service will go a long way in driving traffic to your Bandcamp page. This boosts streams, downloads, merchandise purchases and allows for easy consumer access and direct support to the artist. It’s a no-brainer for all musicians.
Is Bandcamp For Artists Worth It?
Absolutely! Artists and Bandcamp go together like music and ears, or pizza and beers! It’s a perfect combination. This platform allows artists to set their own limits and prices for all music, downloads and merchandise, giving you the artist complete control. When utilized to it’s maximum potential Bandcamp can be the best place for you to make a profitable income.
Do Bandcamp take a cut?
Yes. Bandcamp takes its cut of between 10% and 15% and the rest goes into the pockets of you, creator. This is a small price to pay for a large gain. Furthermore, Bandcamp includes a “tip” feature and music lovers who walk in the Bandcamp world often go above and beyond, paying the artist more for their work than the asking price. Bandcamp is very much for the artist, and we can assure you that you gain more for your listens through this platform than most others, especially when our Bandcamp promotion product drives traffic to your online store.
What is Bandcamp? How Can You Use it To Your Advantage?
Bandcamp describes itself as an online record store and community, but it’s much more than that. Where Spotify, Apple and other platforms battle it out in the streaming world, Bandcamp is playing its own game entirely. This platform gives you the ability to create your own online and personalized store where you can promote your music and brand the way you want. This gives you the best opportunity to control your music and merchandise sales. This could be anything from a digital download to physical copies of CD’s (yes they do still exist) or even Vinyl and Cassettes - and also yes, not only do they exist but they’ve made a remarkable comeback over the last few years!
It doesn’t stop there, as Bandcamp allows for you to stock your online store with any merchandise to promote your act. One new fan gained from our promotion could result in an album download, a T-shirt purchase and healthy tip to support you! Bandcamp works with you rather than for or against you.
If you’re an independent and struggling artist you will know the hardship of trying to break through the ever-growing wall of music and noise. The “new normal” of recording a song and uploading it to a large streaming platform doesn’t have to be the only way. Independent music lovers and supporters are out there, and often can be found on Bandcamp, lurking in the shadows wanting to listen to your music and reward you for it. Most large streaming platforms give very little to the artist until you gain serious momentum. Bandcamp could be your online artist HQ, ensuring a quick and lucrative investment.
How Can Bandcamp Work For You?
Using our Bandcamp promotion can do wonders for your music. A listen to a song on Bandcamp could gain you a $1 download, or a $3 tip. An album download could give you a purchase of $10, with a $5 tip. People pay for what they like and people pay for what they believe it’s worth. By steering your audience away from algorithm-driven platforms and into the small independent Bandcamp store you call home you could reap some pretty awesome rewards. Everybody knows someone who prefers to support the local coffee shop over the large coffee chains. Well, there are people out there who feel the same way about music, and Bandcamp is that local coffee shop…without the coffee. Unless of course, your band merchandise includes coffee, or a coffee cup. There’s a merchandise idea, for free!
What Can You Expect When You Buy Bandcamp Followers
When you buy Bandcamp followers, Artist Push takes the promotional reins from your hands and provides an awesome service that can ensure you receive a quick and organic influx of traffic to your page. This includes an increase in music listens, sales and downloads. The more traffic, the more potential. Our service and promotional process is simple and targeted, without the use of bots and fake followers. It’s all in the strategy, including targeted ads and blogs aimed to catch the eye of new fans and push them towards your Bandcamp page. Once they’re on your page, all it takes is for your song to grab the targeted listener and the support will build. We aim to help you gain the attention you deserve by naturally growing your audience through these methods. You can expect us to go above and beyond for you and your music. We have a team full of musicians and marketers who have spent their lives in this space, working and building knowledge while gaining an understanding of what works best for each genre, style and streaming service. When you buy Bandcamp followers you can sit back and relax while we do the final push.