How to Get More SoundCloud Plays With Free and Paid Methods?
How to Get More SoundCloud Plays With Free and Paid Methods?

How to Get More SoundCloud Plays With Free and Paid Methods?

Increasing the number of plays on SoundCloud is one of the most problematic questions for musicians. People who spend most of their time creating, editing, and publishing music want to get the highest possible engagement. They want to see their songs on different charts and make them heard by true fans. An optimal way to achieve the desired number of plays is to use SoundCloud promotion. Still, there is a problem. If you want to promote your music on SoundCloud and receive real results, you should look for reputable companies with high-quality services. They can bring your tracks to the top and make you grow as a musician, but it won't be cheap. Good music promotion is quite expensive, and sometimes people quit it due to the high rate. 

However, it's not a reason to give up. You can resolve this problem by combining two types of promotion: paid and free. You have to create a plan and work constantly to get more plays for your tracks on SoundCloud. In this article, we will show you how it could be done and uncover the best ways of promoting your content without spending too much.

Boost Your SoundCloud Plays: Free and Paid Strategies

Discover effective ways to increase your SoundCloud plays with a mix of free techniques and paid options. Check out the infographic below for detailed tips on how to optimize your profile, collaborate with other musicians, leverage social media platforms, and use SoundCloud's built-in promotional tools.

Boost Your SoundCloud Plays: Free and Paid Strategies

Why Do We Need Soundcloud Promotion?

Despite the fact that SoundCloud is the second most popular music platform in the world with over 30 million creators and over 75 million users in total, a lot of individuals simply don't know that this platform exists. The only way to present your SoundCloud music library is to promote it. Moreover, doing this once or twice is not enough. You have to do it frequently via multiple platforms because people won't instantly proceed to your account and check your playlist. Still, simply posting links to your SoundCloud account is not enough. You have to be creative and create a nice presentation to attract more followers. Here are initial steps for effective SoundCloud promotion.

  • Optimize your profile and bio to present yourself from a better angle.
  • Add proper hashtags to simplify the search and get higher engagement.
  • Engage with other artists and make collaborations with other musicians.
  • Share the link to your SoundCloud profile on all social media platforms.
  • Publish your best songs to impress listeners and make them come back to your SoundCloud profile.
  • Share demo versions of your tracks with labels and collaborators to receive feedback and make your music more exclusive.

To build a promotion strategy right, it's also important to understand how SoundCloud algorithms work.

Customize Your SoundCloud Profile for a Better Performance

Profile customization is a part of a global plan to get more plays and followers. First, you need to optimize your front page by creating a catchy description, selecting a proper background image and main profile image, and placing links to your social media accounts. By doing this, you will allow users to know you better. Moreover, if you have accounts on other music platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, consider sharing them as well. Users who are more familiar with those platforms will rather find you there than switch to SoundCloud completely. It's good because you boost your overall music production by allowing listeners to enjoy your music everywhere they want. If you're still wondering which platform to start on - we did a Spotify Vs Soudcloud platform comparison.

The next step to take is to create a mini-top with 5 of your best tracks. When new users come to your profile to find out how your music sounds, they would look for the best songs. Once you create your compilation and put it in front, it will be much easier to draw attention and help people decide whether they want to keep up with your content or no. Also, this option is what makes a strong SoundCloud profile.

Another feature to use is to leave timed comments. This is an exclusive feature on SoundCloud made for users. They can leave comments for

Collaborate With Other Musicians

A good way to get more plays on SoundCloud is to make your music heard by a bigger audience. You can do this by collaborating with other artists and connecting with their listeners. If you are only beginning your path as a musician on this platform and you don't have a big audience yet, it's a good option to present yourself. You will get plays, become more recognizable, and get more SoundCloud followers. Those who enjoyed your music will probably come to listen to more of your songs and follow you, which is more than enough for a powerful start.

Record Music Videos for Instagram and TikTok

Music is a crucial factor for TikTok and Instagram because it's what keeps these platforms going. If you enjoy watching Instagram Reels with specific songs, the platform will offer more similar posts. TikTok works almost the same, and this fact helps musicians make their music discoverable.

Take advantage of platofrm's capabilities and expand your SoundCloud presence, which directly impacts on how much you'll earn. On Instagram, record music videos using your songs as a background. Add links to your SoundCloud profile, so people can proceed and listen to the full version of the track. Do the same with Instagram stories but remember that they exist only for 24 hours. Don't stop at doing it once. Post stories regularly to remind people of your music and show how good it is.  

On TikTok, post music videos two to three times per day, selecting the right time frames to receive maximum engagement. People who access the platform to scroll through the feed and have fun will see the video with your music. If you draw their attention by creating a nice caption and leaving a link to your SoundCloud account, they may become interested and look for more of your tracks. 

Also, regardless of what platform you use for social media music promotion, consider adding links to your SoundCloud profile to all your profiles. When potential listeners visit any social media platform, they see a link to your account on SoundCloud. They can proceed and enter your account, seeing your best tracks. 

In this Video, the author explains what you should do and what you shouldn't do to promote your SoundCloud music. He reviews common mistakes and explains how to build effective strategies and share your tracks to the world.

Use Soundcloud Build-in Tools for Promotion

Another option you can use to promote your content is to update your account status by subscribing to SoundCloud Next Pro. It's a built-in SoundCloud promotion tool that expands your capabilities and allows you to improve your promotion techniques. For example, you can receive reports about core metrics and overall engagement.  What's more important, this feature unlocks monetization, so you can work on earning on SoundCloud and competing with other artists in your genre.

Soundcloud Build-in Tools for Promotion

You can understand where your listeners are located, which gives you an opportunity to change approach to music marketing, select the time when to post on SoundCloud, and invest in paid promotion wisely. SoundClound Next Pro is not free, but this is a good investment in your music sharing capabilities.

Paid Promotion - Powerful Boost to Get More Plays

A lot of people underrestimate paid promotion because they think it's unfair and ineffective. However, such promotion won't bring the desired result only if it's based on fake accounts and fake engagement, which can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this scenario, consider choosing services based on organic plays, likes, and reposts.

soudcloud paid promotion

When you purchase organic SoundCloud push, you receive exactly what you need: a strong pack with various types of engagement. Your music will be presented to listeners who have the same taste and the same interests. You become a part of a large community of SoundCloud users who bring you real plays. 

Such method requires payment, but it's a strong way to promote your SoundCloud profile and get your tracks higher in the ranks. You get what you deserve, but what is more importantly: you grow as a professional.

Get discovered on SoundCloud by combining various promotion techniques. Optimize your SoundCloud profile, collaborate with other artists, use SoundCloud Pro Unlimited to access new features and have better experience. Use social media to make your music heard by a bigger audience. Share your music across all available channels to get real plays. But most importantly: keep uploading new tracks, create playlists, and do everything to ensure your listeners have the best experience.


How to promote your SoundCloud music for free?

Is SoundCloud paid promotion effective?

Does engagement boost your music on SoundCloud?

Do you earn more when having more plays on SoundCloud?


  • Ayesha King

    Thank you for the detailed breakdown of SoundCloud’s built-in promotional tools. I didn’t know about the SoundCloud Next Pro feature, but it sounds like a worthwhile investment to understand my audience better and monetize my tracks

    Thank you for the detailed breakdown of SoundCloud’s built-in promotional tools. I didn’t know about the SoundCloud Next Pro feature, but it sounds like a worthwhile investment to understand my audience better and monetize my tracks

  • Nick Buff

    I appreciate the practical advice on using SoundCloud’s built-in tools like SoundCloud Next Pro. Investing in my promotion capabilities seems like a worthwhile step toward success. Thanks)

    I appreciate the practical advice on using SoundCloud’s built-in tools like SoundCloud Next Pro. Investing in my promotion capabilities seems like a worthwhile step toward success. Thanks)

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