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What Is TikTok And From Where Comes Popularity Of Application
What Is TikTok And From Where Comes Popularity Of Application

What Is TikTok And From Where Comes Popularity Of Application

Social Network? Video App? Creativity Planting Field? Music Platform? Global Giant? Generation-Z Assembly Point? 

We'll say all of that and on top of it- the business monster. 

Generating thrilling 175 billion in revenue for 2019 justifies that epithet.

Service created in late 2016, has accumulated more than 800 million users since it was issued. 

The success of the app came from vision and sense for market opportunities by people from ByteDance

The disappearance of Vine. Purchasing of Musical.ly. And on top of having succeeded with Douyin in China, was a clear sign that a project like TikTok has a future.

But Why TikTok Its So Popular And Where Is In Numbers Compared To Other Networks

A raw statistic in just math, but as in everything in universe-popularity is math as well.

Let us start with some plain numbers.

TikTok, although 800 million active users, is still growing steadily. App overruns others in 15-20-30 percent taking monthly new register users. For 5 quartiles in a row, according to Bloomberg. 

Predictions are, if this tempo continues, the day of 2 billionth user is near.

It is the most downloaded app on the Apple store.

Magical 10 billion viewers per month. From whom more than 40% aged 16-24, a group that spends most of their time with phones in hand. For an app with a creativity goal, daily logging of 30% is far biggest when compared to apps where one can create. The difference between up-loaders-watchers is minor. TikTok users uploading videos- 55%. TikTok watchers- 68%. 

Skyrocket TikTok Revenue

TikTok is available in 155 countries, poses itself as a safe application and his users spend just a bit less than one hour daily. Application is available on IOS, Android, Windows phone. As well as on Mac and Windows desktops. Ninety percent of users hit the app button daily! Android users over the years spent 68 billion hours on TikTok. Remember, the platform has videos lasting a trivial 15 seconds!  And in the case of the event followed by Covid-19, in the first 20 days of lock-down, TikTok videos were viewed 1,5 billion times. And we can add dozens of paragraphs more, showing incredible statistics but we'll not too. 

MasterMind Zhang Creator Of Most Influencing Platform in 2020 - TikTok Uprise 

Besides being among the youngest billionaires on the global market, Mr. Yiming is a holder of let's say, the dumbest review of his own product.

Of course, if this is not another fake news. 

Mr. Yiming stated distinctly: "Creation of TikTok was for jobless, unstable people." 

He targeted India especially in a statement, a country with the largest amount of TikTok fanatics. From this example, we could learn the power of application. We could sum this statement like if CocaCola was telling us, it's for consumers with overweight problems. But still, it is CocaCola, and nothing can affect her popularity. 

What's in common for both of the products? There's nothing like the product they deliver. Ok, few similar exist, but with imperfect taste. 

And there on the scene comes again Mr. Yiming. He had an excellent nose for developing the situation on the market.  A platform like Vine and Musical.ly started to fade-away.

Vine vanished eventually, and Musical.ly? Well, let's say it was upgraded to TikTok. Mr. Zhang, who invented TikTok,  in 2011 noticed the internet is moving fast forward to smartphones and started his own company called ByteDance. 

After Toutiao, the first app to reach a million users, created by this brilliant man in 2012, daylight in 2015 was revealed for Daoyuin. Or Chinese TikTok.

Being a good forecaster of global trends, Mr. Yiming moves forward with the purchase of Musical.ly in a deal worth 800$. The numbers we've shown earlier are clear signs of how good that deal was. The world is anxious while waiting to see a new surprise from Zhang Yiming.

Why TikTok Is So Popular - The Use And Point Of Social App 

There are many reasons for application popularity. We'll single out those most important and valuable.

  • None or almost none rivals, due to the integration of Musically. 
  • The number of time youngsters spends on the internet, and fact users can swap fast between videos. 
  • With a video duration of 15 seconds, buffering problems are minimized. Due to this, TikTok is the king of social networks to share videos
  • Hunger for popularity. Features like likes, messages, and followers are standard.
  • Career opportunities if used in the right way. 
  • Entertainment is the holy grail of application. 
  • But business, education, or a large number of entrepreneurs and influencers taking their share on the app rapidly. And so on.

But what's the deal of TikTok? 

To entertain in the first place. But the point of TikTok went further and above the expectation and became a social media buffer. 

Now, it is an app for the promotion of creators and talents. Engagement of users with the same interests, tastes, or aspirations. Worldwide. 

The use of the TikTok application on a first look seems limited. Bunch of short videos where users sing, dance, mock, or create memes. But, when we scratch deep into the app,  it opens a brand new world. 

TikTok valuation to roughly 75 billion, attracted much more than teens who are only willing to kill free time. Marketing, promotions, engagement, global scene, corporate and entrepreneurial business. TikTok holds the whole internet gathered on one spot.

How To Make Money On TikTok Using Promotion Strategies

When we speak about the monetization of users' creation on TikTok, the key to success is a fact that interest outrun content. 

The first step is simple: add your music to TikTok. Let's simplify-if you post a video or meme it will attract more viewers than if you post the same content to Instagram or Facebook. 

Which leads to increased popularity

Also, when compared to Instagram, TikTok can be picked by algorithms in months after publishing video while Insta-stories end after 24hrs. 

Very often we see creators on TikTok who are followed by 1k users with their videos viewed 10k times. No other social network can fight TikTok flow.

So what are the ways to monetize your presence on the platform, and how to use the TikTok calculator?

In foundation, there are several ways to make money on the app, and there's a similarity with other social networks. 

Common ways would be: 

  • growing and sells of accounts;
  • brands engagement in creations through live auctions;
  •  by the collection of donations during live streaming;
  • ads platform;
  • influencer campaigns;
  • consulting and management.

And as money business always comes with a calculator in a package, let's see what's TikTok calculator is and the importance of use. 

In layman's terms, you'll be able to calculate potential earning on the app.

Although it's not associated and developed by  TikTok, the calculator presents radix for newbies in negotiation with brands or whoever will pay for creator services. 

How To Make Your Music Video Popular Using Benefits Of Promotional Services

We showed how to monetize your creation on TikTok in a way without funding.

Results and time one will need to reach magic 10k followers, or 100k likes may vary. Although some users reach this result in a matter of days, it says more how powerful TikTok is. But the scarce number of users says you'll still need to rely on help from aside. And there's where music promotion companies jump. 

Organic is key to any good story on the internet, but when combined with paid ads results delivered are tremendous.

In better word said-apple you might take from a tree in your backyard will be good and tasty. But if you'll go to the market to buy apples, an increase in quality and quantity will overwhelm the backyard tree. 

Music Promotion Companies Offers You Likes, Followers, Views, Viral Profile Engaged With Fans And Creators

Before the first investment in TikTok, the creator needs to choose a promo-company. Although promo services offer the same products, here and there, not all work the same way through. Scams like usual on the web hides around the corner. 

A common way to know your promo-service prior to acquisition is to do a background check. 

Here at "Artist Push" the results of our clients speak to itself.

The range and variety of products we deliver to clients grants a successful TikTok campaign. 

Just think about what you could get for free in a matter of days if you invest in the following.

TikTok Views - the first stepping stone to the viral world. 

We know everything about the platform algorithms that leads users to the "For You" page. Using this knowledge we'll engage you with fans who expect content or music you create. 

But that's not all when it comes to virality. Music video promoting is a bumpy ride.

TikTok Likes - Before the start, your music creation should catch likes not only through paid services. Thus you can trash your reputation. 

A smart way to grow a reputation is by following simple steps. 

You can use ads. Always hashtag your videos. This way you'll lead users to your videos and get free likes and go viral at the end.

The second way is to engage other social networks, TikTok influencers, and collaborate with other users in your videos. 

Influencers are users who own incredible power to bring you close to thousands of users. They'll target you to certain demographic circles, genre or niche. 

Collaboration with one or dozens of other users not only would refresh your content but you'll be seen double - your viewers plus duet comrade followers.

Social Media Promotion is Driving Benefits to Your Music Brand

TikTok Followers - Well, organically gaining followers will produce some results. Still to be noticed on a global scale can't pass without buying new.

We've already spoken the importance of trustworthy promo services as fake followers could damage your credibility. Many music promotion companies offer unreliable services, with fake followers. Thus your excellent creation will go nowhere further and you will need to do the same process from the beginning. 

The best way to engage your music creation into virality and popularity of TikTok is by linking your social network profiles with the TikTok profile. It will give you the perfect foundation for building a popular profile on the app.

The next step would be to use Tokupgrade and Toksocial options to buy real followers. Through algorithms, these two apps will bring great results in less time. 

One thing any TikTok artist must keep on mind-buying real or fake popularity without good creation will bring you nowhere. Your content is your entry card to success, and Music promotional services perfect boost. Keep your videos at the highest quality, as they'll bring dozens of free followers. And pay off faster than you can imagine.

How TikTok Changed the World With Users Activism Spreading As a Disease 

We've learned TikTok is a new, fun, and cheerful social network. 

But recently this new monster of digital space turned to much more than a network to kill boring time. 

Users Activism is a new deal, have you heard before? 

Let us drive you through. In the last couple of months, information has been gathering from all over the world. The Internet is full of articles and columns with a focus on TikTok. 

And while media giants like BBC, CNN, or the New York Times, have daily stories about the app, the eye-catching fact is space given to Gen Z. 

And the achievements they made thanks to the power of TikTok.

Some journalists go as far as comparing TikTok to Woodstock. And no, music is not a reason. Then what is common to these two subjects? The power is given to youth to change the world we live in.

TikTok is not the oldest nor biggest social network online but its the only platform on which teens took part in important social affairs.

BBC recently reported the case of a girl called Gillian ( 16 ) from Nevada, USA. Girls mum working as a teacher in a local school, with a lousy paycheck. Gillian couldn't stand more mum anxiety and decided to help her mother and her colleagues. 

She brightly realizes the power of TikTok virility and went to organize a strike using 15 seconds videos. As a result, not only local community teachers got a raise, media reports it spread across the county like a virus.

Youngster Gillian after success said to BBC reporters: "The way they treated the teachers at the school board meeting I went to was absolutely disgusting. Changing things was probably the best feeling I’ve ever had."

But the case of Gillian is not one, isolated excess. Cases of social justice and activism through TikTok overwhelm internet space. We've single some of them.

TikTok shaped politics in the States. Simple usage of hashtags led to the mass movement of the BlackLivesMatter organization recently. US President Donald Trump held a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma which was affected by TikTok power to get users to act. In silence, they organize ticket reservations, without any willing to attend. Activism or Prank led rally half-empty in a number of supporters to Mr. Trump.

Callouts the app circulated virally were not recorded only within politics or economy. 

TikTok users, although among the youngest in society, grow aware of topics politicians or civil organizations do not pay attention to in the way they should. Bullying, drugs, discrimination, racial abuse, weapons are some of the focuses for young activists.

Anna ( 21 ), from Russia, raised awareness on climate change, as it will affect her generation the most. And generations to come. 

She stated for the news, a callout was screaming for help rather than rebellion. By the use of hashtags for global warming her videos went viral, having millions of views in a short period. 

The girl stated for national TV service: "Other generations started this problem but we can't say we won't be alive to see the consequences. We have to do something and change things, otherwise, the planet will just die."

Her words impact local community representatives. Local authorities as support to Anna's effort shift from fossil fuels to bioenergy to supply local, government buildings. She can buy a million TikTok views, but will it give a positive impact?

And if we scratch more under the surface of TikTok, stories like Anna's or Gillian are everywhere. Goofy and fun sketches will be a trademark of the app but the platform finds her way to a more serious purpose.

Renegade Challenge - Dance Contest That Shake and Shape TikTok 

What do we get mixing Jalaiah Harmon, rapper K-Camp, and Charli D'Amellio? 

Global infection of video memes, that transmitted from users to celebrities. 

To explain this global digital miracle, we'll need to include a chronology of events. 

First, there was K-Camp. Atlanta rapper who recorded his mage hit Lottery.

But K-Camp didn't bother himself with TikTok. 

Neither Jalaiah Harmon, Atlanta teen who invented the dance. Neither she knows dance posted to Instagram, back in September last year, would be the next global challenge. In which, participation would take stars like Jason Derulo, LeBron James, or Kourtney Kardashian. 

Funny thing is, Jalaiah is probably the only dancer who didn't participate in the contest. 

Thus, in the end, we come to the last and probably most important person behind this popular video meme. 

TikTok star and influencer Charli D'Amellio picked dance up from one video and made it viral.

Shortly after D'Amelio posted the meme, the challenge took off on a flight that still runs at the same speed. 

Currently, it is the most popular dance contest in the world. Threatening to overwhelm the popularity of Fortnite dance. 

Thanks to Jalaiah who didn't receive credit from TikTok influencers at the beginning. But the power of TikTok as a social media hasn't let this talented girl go under the radar.

Not only she's got a shoutout by Michele Obama and was a special guest in Ellens' talk show. Jalaiah performed her dance at the NBA All-Star match. Also, if successful, grownups are mocking you, and they do it online, and you are only 14 years old, you don't need bigger credit. One is clear to all, thanks to TikTok and the virility of social network, Jalaiah has a perfect starting pole in the race called "be successful and famous".

TikTok Hype House - Why Does It Exist And Who Lives In It

Imagine, a beautiful villa near LA. Blurry sunset shading through palm trees next to the road. Scenery for which only Hollywood stars have the privilege.

And twenty TikTok influencers. 

Yep, you read correctly. And we need to clarify from the beginning, although this is thanks to TikTok, the app doesn't pay a cent for it. 

Mansion, producers, equipment, designers, and salaries. All of it is covered by brands. 

The purpose of this household is simply-business productivity. 

At the mansion, various TikTok stars shot dozens of videos on a daily basis.

LA place hosts twenty permanent tenants, while others come just for recording. 

Some of TikTok stars permanently situated at the residence are - Thomas Petrou, a star who got the idea for the project.

Followed with names like Addison Rae, Alex Warren, and Lil Huddy, who's been rumored dating D'Amelio. 



That’s Amore! ##family @charlidamelio @mimidamelioperrott @ktifford @madisonroseperrott @heididamelio @macperrott @lil.memzy @dixiedamelio @marcdamelio

♬ Thats Amore - Dean Martin



An amazing fact about these young-stars, who live their dreams, is that they accumulate more than 50 million followers.

But as everything beautiful comes to an end in life, the same destiny might happen not only to the glossy lifestyle of TikTok stars but to the application itself.

Some media recently reported TikTok could face the destiny of Vine and be shut down. Reason for it? How will that treat music videos? National Security threat to the USA. 

Believe it or not, the US army already issues a ban on the app to her soldiers. Although unbelievable we'll say where there is fire there is smoke. The row between the USA and China might be the reason for the potential closure of the app. Also, reports said the app was widely used by sexual predators, scammers, and criminal organizations, but this is the fate of just any other social network.  

In the end, we'll enjoy TikTok in years to come, one way or another. As we can't see how 15 seconds of entertaining video could affect world security. And kids are every day more aware of how to protect themself in a fast-paced online, digital life.


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