MIX OF THE DAY: Red Axes, Acid Mondays, Pablo Bolivar, Ben Preisinger
MIX OF THE DAY: Red Axes, Acid Mondays, Pablo Bolivar, Ben Preisinger

MIX OF THE DAY: Red Axes, Acid Mondays, Pablo Bolivar, Ben Preisinger

Meet our new Weekly Mix from local DJ. Watch where this music trip can lead you and be ready for unexpected turnings, ups and downs that will shake your emotions in unexpected summer cocktail.


Credit 00 - The Garden (Original Mix)
Ian O'Brien, Querida - Yes! (Original Mix)
Patrice Baumel - Solitary Dancer (Original Mix)
Pikaya - Jive (Original Mix)
Russlan Jaafreh - Cats, Memes & Machines (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Ben Preisinger - Uncut (Original Mix)
DJ Zero, MC 900 Ft. Jesus - UFO's Exhibit B (with DJ Zero) (Original Mix)
Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (New Age Mix)
Venda - Significant Others (Original Mix)
Acid Mondays - Chi Ka Pasa (Ion Ludwig's Progmantras Re-Edited Version 7min Recut)
Red Axes - Rasss (Original Mix)
TERR, Daniel Watts, TERR & Daniel Watts - Disko Axiom (Extended Mix)


1 comment

  • MavRRox

    This is not a mix of the day, this is a mix of my week, lol! I was searching for so long for the new songs to listen to! Thanks, guys. You’ve helped me a lot, as always.

    This is not a mix of the day, this is a mix of my week, lol! I was searching for so long for the new songs to listen to! Thanks, guys. You’ve helped me a lot, as always.

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